发表于 2021-5-14 00:36:11
You and your family must comply with all visa conditions and Australian laws.
We may cancel this visa if you do not make a genuine effort to begin employment with your employer within six months of:
Your first entry to Australia if you were granted this visa while you were outside of Australia; or
The visa being granted if you were granted this visa while you were in Australia.
We may also seek to cancel this visa if you begin employment but do not remain in the position for the full two years.
If this happens, you will have a chance to explain, in writing, why your visa should not be cancelled.
就是说假如任务6个月不到, 他们可能会要勾销签证,假如两年不到,他们可能要采用勾销签证的行为。
我感觉你最佳亲身去移民局把你的状况说一下,和你上面的打算,而后弄一个书面的货色,包管签证不会勾销的条件之下,再做打算 |