还有个问题,我妈能够作为dependent 和我一同请求457吗?按理说只要配偶和子女才能够,然而帮我办签证的agent说,假如证实我妈是dependent on我的,那末能够把她作为dependent一同。那这个dependent是怎么界定的呢?我妈身材挺好,国际有一点点的退休金,我俩的钱也不分着花,说不清理不算dependent。
Other relatives of you or your partner may be considered in the application if they meet all of the following:
they have no other relative able to care for them in their own country and they either:
they are not currently married, engaged or in a de facto relationship
they are usually resident in your household
they rely on you for financial support for their basic needs
you have supported them for a substantial period
they rely on you more than any other person or source. |