4月开始出产的车都是2024款,都反对ID8.5,还可能反对之后的ID9。(上海车展德国的代表曾经说了 反对高通芯片的ID8.5,也会反对ID9)
独一区分是7月会是高通芯片并出厂就是ID8.5,4月-6月的是最新的Intel CPU 反对OTA降级(由于还在外部最初测试,防止问题太多, ID8仍是就过早推 得多问题,详细推送时间9月,蒲月底BMW民间会有正式的)。
I called BMW Belux. This is not a dealer but a division of the BMW group, something like BMW NA but for Belgium and Luxembourg.
They say all vehicles produced between April and July will get an 8.5 OTA update from September.
The cars will have all necessary hardware from April to run 8.5.
They had written confirmation about that from the product manager. |