我自己PR, 很早前就拿到PR始终在国际。 去年9月先期回到澳大利亚, 老婆孩子的PR请求已提交到澳大利亚驻上海领事馆。 比来想让老婆孩子早点来澳大利亚, 就想给他们请求其余签证先到澳大利亚而后再等配偶移民。
当初问题来了, 貌似只要600对比合适。 然而看了600下的subclass, 又貌似只要Sponsored Holiday 和 Tourist Stream能够请求。 问题是, 这两种签证都有下列时间限度:
Tourist Stream - This visa generally allows stays of 3 or 6 months in Australia, although a stay of up to 十二 months can be granted. However, the visa period is determined on a case by case basis and may be less than the period you requested. A stay beyond 十二 months is ONLY granted where ‘exceptional circumstances exist’.
Sponsored Family - A person coming to Australia as a sponsored family visitor will generally be able to stay in Australia for a period of up to 3 months. In certain circumstances the period may be longer, usually up to 6 months, but no more than 十二 months
根据我的了解, 根本上大部份人都只能给到一次3个月的居留, 假如要6个月乃至十二个月, 那就要看运气了。 这样对我来讲确定分歧适, 不克不及老婆孩子过去后3个月后又必需离境。
想请问上是不是有敌人有相似的状况?我该帮老婆孩子请求何种签证, 能让他们在这边待十二个月?我看有得多敌人都帮父母请求最少待十二个月的签证, 该签证是何种别?