

    砍树 council approval 需求 strata seal,cost $300-500


    2024-6-29 10:23:35 5286 7

    历来没有请求过砍树,目前是strata 的townhouse,树在咱们backyard外面  向Ryde councial 请求tree management,application form外面需求strata seal/stamps, 问了strata manager 说用strata stamps需求开owner meeting, meeting cost需求我领取$300-500, 我想问问大家这个要求是正常的吗?怎么可以节俭这笔费用呢?搜寻了好多也没看到相似的帖子,谢谢大家


    一帆风顺 发表于 2024-6-29 09:29:46

    一帆风顺 沙发

    2024-6-29 09:29:46

    这个事件就是strata的事件,你出钱去砍树干吗。开strata会或者email strata时分要求砍树,费用从funding外面出
    daojiankuang 发表于 2024-6-29 09:40:39

    daojiankuang 板凳

    2024-6-29 09:40:39

    没说分明,树在咱们后院里,strata不论,council有需求strata stamps
    monica0721 发表于 2024-6-29 09:47:49

    monica0721 地板

    2024-6-29 09:47:49

    isafish 发表于 2024-6-29 09:59:06

    isafish 5#

    2024-6-29 09:59:06

    258423691 发表于 2024-6-29 10:10:16

    258423691 6#

    2024-6-29 10:10:16

    听下来不合错误。要不是co妹妹on property,strata管,要不就是private property,strata没法管。你的backyard是哪一种
    司徒 发表于 2024-6-29 10:15:43

    司徒 7#

    2024-6-29 10:15:43

    Most balconies, courtyards or garden areas attached to a lot have their vertical boundaries
    defined on the registered strata plan. E.g.: The stratum of the courtyards are limited to a
    depth of 3 metres below and except where covered to a height of 10 metres above the
    concrete ground floor of its respective adjoining lot. Therefore anything within that area
    that is not shown on the strata plan as a thick black line and is for the exclusive use of the
    lot, they are the owners responsibility to maintain. This includes timber decking, awnings
    and pavers. Furthermore a tree growing within a courtyard is deemed to belong to the
    owner and they are responsible for all pruning, removal or damage caused from the tree
    irrespective of whether some of the branches extend beyond that lot with the exception of
    that part of the tree which exists within co妹妹on property via a notation on a strata plan or
    registered by-law
    windyhan98 发表于 2024-6-29 10:23:35

    windyhan98 8#

    2024-6-29 10:23:35

    If the owners of a Strata decide to vote to pay for removal of trees that are not co妹妹on property but part of a lot, does this require a Special Resolution of 75% and is the owner of the lot who is receiving this financial benefit entitled to vote on the issues?

    This requires an ordinary resolution, not a special resolution as it is not an alteration of co妹妹on property. If voted upon by the owners corporation, the owner is permitted to vote.

    看来仍是需求general meeting经过


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