



    2021-5-14 04:37:45 142 7

    筹备给宝宝请求公民纸 管理过的亲能不克不及过去指点下 除了表格究竟是需求哪些documents? 是否一切documents都需求公证? 还有就是表格填好寄去哪里?谢谢~~


    ye1018 发表于 2021-5-14 04:19:30

    ye1018 沙发

    2021-5-14 04:19:30

    你标题 没写分明 宝宝 出世在哪里,我估量你是 宝宝出世在中国

    十一8 请求表格 请去掉www 前面的空格。www.      border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/十一8.pdf

    1. 宝宝出世证实 没有双语的话 需求去本地公证处 做涉外翻译 公证。
    2. 你的结婚证 假如是中国结婚证 需求做涉外翻译 公证。
    3. 父母一方 澳籍担保人 公民纸 护照。

    4. 宝宝 护照 2寸照 只有五官明晰 不眨眼 便可。
    照片 需求背书 就是医生 护士 警察 律师 之类签字 格局有在十一8表格里 阐明 有样板。

    5. 父母一方假如是 中国公民 身份证需求翻译 公证。

    6. 既然是宝宝 不需求 无犯法记载证实。

    当面递交时分 出世证 需求原件。 我倡议你把身份证 出世证 等证件的原件一同带上 以防万一。 我有点凌乱 我记得出世证实还有某些货色 好像只需求翻译 不需求公证  然而公证费用不贵 我倡议 翻译公证都做了 公证1份就行-了 不需求2份 。
    提示: 取公证 翻译 时分 当场看一遍 有无拼错单词 好比 国度 日期 名字 等。 如有错 能够收费当场给你重做。

    最佳自己当面去领事馆 递交 ,假如邮寄去 需求认证 对比费事。 上海 北京 广州 择近返回。 递交前 请预定 假如是上海递交 email i妹妹[email protected]

    倡议 上海递交电话预定 Please call 021 2225 1093 for appointment with the Citizenship Department.

    外面很具体 不懂再问我。
    ladder007 发表于 2021-5-14 04:20:59

    ladder007 板凳

    2021-5-14 04:20:59

    我是在境内办 谢谢你 境内办的话是否一切documents都需求JP签字?
    whd197666 发表于 2021-5-14 04:23:19

    whd197666 地板

    2021-5-14 04:23:19

    你意思澳洲境内? 那就出世纸+照片背书。

    我没办过哦 你能够看下 民间网站。

    你没说分明宝宝的 出世地 和 当初的身份哦。
    浪子星 发表于 2021-5-14 04:26:50

    浪子星 5#

    2021-5-14 04:26:50

    是的 那末简略 父母要提供签证信、护照和驾照吧
    sususu 发表于 2021-5-14 04:31:22

    sususu 6#

    2021-5-14 04:31:22

    Application for Australian citizenship by descent

    Translations and certified copies

    If your documents are not in English, you must provide official translations. In Australia, you must use translators accredited by the National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters. For more information, see www .naati.com.au
    Unless specified that original documents are required, certified copies of original documents must be attached to your application. These copies must be certified by a person with the appropriate authority. See Identity declarations – list of professions on pages 5–6 for people who can certify documents.

    Identity document checklist

    The following documents are required if the applicant is a child under 16 years of age
      A full birth certificate or family register containing parent’s details
    Note: In some circumstances the department may request DNA testing. See form 十二59i Information about DNA testing for visa and citizenship applicants
    Evidence of links between birth name and current name, if applicable
    A passport or other travel documents, if any

    One passport-sized photograph and identity declaration signed by an Australian citizen with the appropriate authority

    Supporting documents

    To support your application for Australian citizenship by descent you will also need to provide:

    Evidence that one of your parents was an Australian citizen at the time of your birth

    Your Australian citizen parent’s:
    • full Australian birth certificate issued before
    20 August 1986, or
    • Australian citizenship certificate or naturalisation
    certificate, or
    • Australian passport issued after 1 July 2005

    If your Australian citizen parent was a citizen by descent or full Hague adoption, you will be asked to provide evidence that your parent had been lawfully present in Australia for a total of at least
    2 years. If you do not have any evidence of your parent having resided in Australia you can contact the National Archives of Australia to check their records

    For children born through surrogacy arrangements, documents confirming that an Australian citizen
    is the parent of the child. If you do not have documents confirming this you may be requested to undertake a DNA test. You should not undertake a DNA test unless requested to do so

    假如是 十一8 血统承继类公民请求 下面的是所需求的次要货色了。非英语资料翻译甚么的也有阐明。
    changgun 发表于 2021-5-14 04:33:49

    changgun 7#

    2021-5-14 04:33:49

    紫色湖 发表于 2021-5-14 04:37:45

    紫色湖 8#

    2021-5-14 04:37:45



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