发表于 2021-5-14 05:22:00
可是哪怕体检能够免掉,条款外面也会说让有任何安康状况变动之类的都要通知啊 - LZ感觉能经过么?下列是pre-grant信外面的 就怕钱都交了忽然撤销
It is particularly important that if you, your spouse or any dependant family member, whether included in the visa application or not, have had a change in physical or mental health since completing your medical examinations, that you promptly notify an officer of this Department of the change in writing, and that you do so before any visa is granted. This includes any situation in which you, your spouse or any dependant family member, whether included in the visa application or not, has been diagnosed with a health condition since completing their medical examinations, or whose previously declared or diagnosed health condition has since deteriorated.
If you fail to notify an officer of this Department, in writing, of any change of circumstances in respect of yourself, your spouse or any dependant family member prior to the grant of a visa, the visa may be liable for cancellation, with or without notice, in accordance with the provisions of the Act. |