Considerations section, n.42-44, number 44 in particular
For the sake of completeness, I note that on 20 April 2017, that is, on the day of the hearing, a joint media statement was published on the website of the Department of I妹妹igration and Border Protection. The media statement was by the Hon. Peter Dutton MP Minister for I妹妹igration and Border Protection, and the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister, titled “Strengthening the Integrity of Australian displeft.png Citizenship dispright.png”.
The joint media statement provided in part as follows:
The Turnbull Government will strengthen Australian displeft.png citizenship dispright.png by putting
Australian values at the heart of displeft.png citizenship dispright.png processes and requirements.
Our reforms will ensure applicants are competent in English, have been a permanent resident for at least four years and co妹妹it to embracing Australian values.
In this decision, I take no account of the pending changes to the law governing Australian displeft.png Citizenship dispright.png. These announced alterations have not been legislated into law, nor has the date of their operation been announced. |