The Department of Home Affairs has received your feedback on 23 July 2018. Feedback on our processes and services is important and we thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
Processing times published monthly on the Department’s website are indicative only. Some applications may take longer than the indicative processing times for a range of reasons, such as the complexity of the particular application or whether additional checks or further assessment is required. Please note, in general, applications that do not meet the residence requirements will take longer to finalise than the indicative processing times published on the Department’s website. Processing timeframes for these applications can be over 十二 weeks.
The published processing times reflect applications processed within the 75 percent and 90 percent percentile. Please note the Department’s website’s processing times does outline that applications that do not meet the residence requirement will take longer to finalise than the published processing times advertised.
We have now closed this case. However, we have referred your feedback to the relevant business area. While no further response has been requested, business areas may exercise their discretion and provide additional co妹妹ent. |