是军用机 blackhawk, 戎行训练.
Low flying helicopter training - Sydney, Orange, Canberra during February and March
Up to five Black Hawk helicopters will fly over the Sydney, Orange and Canberra regions during the period 05 Feb – 08 Mar 2018 as part of a training exercise.
The exercise will ensure pilots and aircrew are well trained for flying in all conditions across urban and rural areas. Flights will occur during the afternoon and evening generally concluding by 十一.30 pm.
Some flight paths may be low and unavoidable noise may be noticeable for short periods. Residents should not be concerned if they hear or see these activities occurring.
The training is being conducted to ensure the Australian Defence Force maintains the highest level of preparedness to respond, where required, to support national interests.
The ADF acknowledges that these activities may result in possible disturbances to local residents, however, wherever possible, the ADF seeks to minimise this disruption.
The ADF would like to thank the local residents and businesses for their patience and continued support during this important training.
Date of Publication:
Tuesday, 30 January, 2018
https://www.army.gov.au/media-ro ... nge-canberra-during |