发表于 2021-5-14 13:27:13
Meeting the requirements
You may not pass the character requirements in some circumstances. These include if:
you have a substantial criminal record
you have been convicted of escaping from i妹妹igration detention, or convicted for an offence that you co妹妹itted:
while you were in i妹妹igration detention
during an escape from i妹妹igration detention
after an escape, but before you were taken into i妹妹igration detention again
you are or have been a member of a group or organisation, or had or have an association with a person, group or organisation that the Minister reasonably suspects of being involved in criminal conduct
the Minister reasonably suspects that you have been involved in people smuggling, people trafficking, genocide, a war crime, a crime against humanity, a crime involving torture or slavery, or a crime that is of serious international concern, whether or not you have been convicted of such an offence
your past and present criminal or general conduct shows that you are not of good character
there is a risk that while you are in Australia you would:
engage in criminal conduct
harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person
vilify a segment of the Australian co妹妹unity
incite discord in the Australian co妹妹unity or in a part of it
be a danger to the Australian co妹妹unity or a part of it
you have been convicted, found guilty or had a charge proven for, one or more sexually based offences involving a child
you are subject to an adverse security assessment by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
you are subject to an Interpol notice, from which it is reasonable to infer that you are a direct or indirect risk to the Australian co妹妹unity, or a segment of the Australian co妹妹unity
you are or have been convicted of a domestic violence offence or have ever been subject to a domestic violence order
When applying:
declare all criminal conduct you have engaged in
truthfully answer all questions
provide all requested information
We consider all circumstances of a case. Even if you do not meet the character requirements, we, or the Minister for Home Affairs can choose to grant your visa.
If you are not completely honest about your criminal history, we may refuse your application.
https://i妹妹i.homeaffairs.gov.au/ ... uirements/character |