你说的对 我之前在机场下班的时分好像澳航最初一班是十点20仍是啥,反正咱们九点五十摆布就住手值机上班了。只是感觉不会像楼上说的很频繁,并且红眼航班都是往悉尼飞的吧,好比Perth飞过去的红眼,六点正好下降。curfew法仍是挺严格遵循的,节选一段,这也是悉尼机场的特色,争议也很不少。坐飞机的感觉不便利,住边上的感觉很须要。^_^
During the curfew aircraft must operate over Botany Bay, that is take-offs to the south and landings to the north
on Saturdays and Sundays aircraft must also operate over Botany Bay in the hour before and after the curfew, provided the weather and traffic conditions allow this to take place safely
aircraft are not permitted to take off over the suburbs after 10.45pm.