1. 求教大神,超过initial entry date, 请求Travel facilitation letter是不是容易获批?
2. 出境后需请求Travel for three months or longer, 假如合乎国际Ordinary resident,是不是能够间接入境?(过来两年在国际呆着)
Ordinarily resident
You are considered ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia if international movement records show that you’ve spent more time outside Australia than inside for the last 十二 to 24 months. You do not need to carry a paper record of your movements with you. If required, Australian Border Force officers at airports can check your movement records in their systems.
If you do not think you need a travel exemption, you can present this evidence when you check-in at the airport. However, if you have any doubt about whether your circumstances fall within the definition of ordinarily resident, we reco妹妹end you lodge a request for assessment at least two weeks prior to your intended departure.