谢谢你的回复,我没有找到你说的对于改动port of departure。请问你是指白色部份的内容吗? 假如你指的是这个,我仍是觉的不太明白。 由于我记得在填请求的时分还特别需求填离境的机场城市, 所以才会有这样的疑难。谢谢
This exemption approval is for a single departure from Australia only. If you plan to travel in the future, you will need to submit a new travel exemption request for each proposed trip.
Important: This travel exemption is valid until 19-07-2021 . If you have not been able to depart on or before this date you will need to submit a new travel exemption request.
Departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes.
You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if flight details change.
A record of this outcome is available in border systems, in order to facilitate departure. |