https://www.servicesaustralia.go ... ment/who-can-get-it
Eligibility rules
The rules you need to meet to get JobSeeker Payment depend on your situation.
You’ll need to meet all of these:
you’re between 22 and Age Pension age
you meet residence rules
you meet the income and assets tests.
You also need to meet rules for one of these situations:
You meet our definition of unemployed and you’re looking for work.
You’re sick or injured and are unable to do your usual work or study for a short time.
Temporary changes to eligibility rules during COVID-19
You may be able to get JobSeeker Payment if your work situation changes because of COVID-19. The change in your work situation can be for one of the following reasons. You’re:
a sole trader, self-employed, a casual or contract worker and your income has reduced
caring for someone who’s affected by COVID-19. |