觉得他们产品真的很渣滓。难怪通过上次收购,股票仍是赖死不活的模样。比来也遇到了相反问题,曾经投诉了,他们网站上还写着statement balance paid down by contractual date能够不必付手续费。重大misleading,不论投诉后果甚么样,反正不会等闲用下次了。筹备写一篇blog喷他
How to avoid paying a monthly account fee?
Your repayment due date typically falls on the day after you accepted your contract. For example, if you accepted your contract on January 10th, your repayments would be due by the 十一th of each subsequent month.
If the statement balance is paid down by the contractual date, the $6 monthly account keeping fee will not be charged.