Following the removal of administrative concessions, trustees are now required to make and document trustee resolutions concerning the distribution of income of the trust estate for the 20十二 tax year by 30 June 20十二.
What happens if the trustee doesn’t
resolve to distribute the trust income by
30 June?
If a valid trustee resolution distributing the trust’s income is
not made by 30 June, any later resolution will be ineffective,
giving rise to these unintended consequences:
• Under the trust deed, the trust’s default beneficiary/
beneficiaries become ‘presently entitled’ to the income of
the trust and are taxed on it — even if the income is not
paid to them or it cannot be paid to them because the
cash has already been distributed to other beneficiaries.
• No beneficiary will be presently entitled to the income
of the trust as at 30 June, resulting in the trustee being
assessed on the income under section 99A at the top
marginal tax rate.
明天看到的CPA tax update
[ 本帖最初由 stevenhu 于 20十二-5-25 09:38 编纂 ] |