RT,咱们的GP预定老是很满。 每次宝宝病都是暂时找的其余医生看的。每次打电话过来,都会告知咱们最快的time available 是下周的某某时间。郁闷,谁有病能等1周啊。所以咱们的GP根本就是平时体检开单子,或者宝宝打预防针这类提前能预测的事件才行。 大家的GP都是这样的预定顺序吗?我是否该斟酌换个GP了。
if ur symptom is so severe that u cannot survive with one week waiting,
hospital emergency department is the place to go not gp cinic
so u only need to wait for ~8hrs in hospital compared to 8 days with a gp
good deal isnt, agree?