Federal Labor to support transport upgrade to make Box Hill Melbourne’s second CBD
Jesse Wray-McCann, Whitehorse Leader
April 8, 2016 7:30am
BOX Hill would become Melbourne’s second CBD after Federal Labor weighed in with a cash co妹妹itment to help redevelop the suburb’s struggling transport hub.
With Box Hill touted as Melbourne’s second CBD, with the suburb’s skyline beginning to fill with 30-storey and even higher apartment towers, and with our roads congested, we need action.
工党为了赚华人的钱要把Box Hill打形成第二CBD,然而又不想本人掏钱修交通搞基建,
尤为是去年联邦大选Box Hill选区的华人,一边倒反对自在党,墨尔本工党更不想掏钱了
估量等联邦大选工党下台后,就能名正言顺的从悉尼那里抢钱过去修Box Hill了 |