You must tell the Co妹妹issioner for ACT Revenue if you own a property that is or becomes liable for land tax.
High penalties may apply if you do not notify us that you are liable for land tax.
If you have not already done so, you must also tell the Co妹妹issioner by 31 March 2020 if your property became subject to land tax or the foreign ownership surcharge on 1 July 2018. At that date, the law changed to impose land tax on vacant homes and to impose a foreign ownership surcharge on foreign owned land. Penalty taxes and interest will apply from 1 April 2020 for a failure to notify.
owner 需求本人被动跟政府申报,本人没申报,结果自傲。。。。。。
https://www.revenue.act.gov.au/land-tax |