



    2021-5-15 21:01:06 327 13

    The above property has a heater that has a cracked heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is a metalchamber that sits inside of the appliance. The carbon monoxide is stored in this chamber and then makes is way through the flue where it then exists to atmosphere. When the heat exchanger is cracked or damaged, carbon monoxide can escape from these chambers and then enter the property via the
    appliance fan, for this reason the units are capped off i妹妹ediately.

    (During our service, the gas fitter found that the gas supply pressure to the appliances is incorrect. Gas appliances require a set amount of gas pressure to ensure they can combust and operate correctly.

    The problem involves the interaction of each appliance and is more to do with the supply pressure coming from the gas meter rather than the gas pipework at the property.

    Our gas-fitter tested the gas supply pressure at the gas meter and confirmed there was an issue with the gas meter being unable to produce the correct amount of pressure to the property. The main regulator of the gas meter will need to be replaced in order for the pressure at the property to be corrected.

    This is a free service so neither the landlord nor the tenant will be financially responsible.

    Unfortunately, this can only be organised by the account holder. Gas providers cannot accept third party requests for this to be organised and so this must be arranged by the tenant.

    Please find a reco妹妹ended script for the tenant when contacting their gas providers:

    We recently had a gas service company attend to service our gas appliances.

    Whilst completing the service he found incomplete supply pressure to the gas appliances.

    He then tested the supply pressure from the gas meter nipple and found the gas meter’s regulator no longer produces the correct pressure and therefore needs to be replaced.

    If a tenant fails to follow these reco妹妹endations, the following issues can occur:

    The running cost can increase to operate that appliance.
    The units gas valves can become harmed, which can lead to needing replacing in the future.  
    Can put unnecessary stress on the appliance.
    If it is an open flue appliance, the unit may begin to produce carbon monoxide as the fuel to air ratio will not be correct
    Please do let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this.

    **Please be advised that this information is also available on the Detector Inspector Online Portal**

    Thank you in advance and have a lovely day.)


    tonywu 发表于 2021-5-15 20:18:53

    tonywu 沙发

    2021-5-15 20:18:53

    gas heater吧,不是做饭的gas
    建文 发表于 2021-5-15 20:22:55

    建文 板凳

    2021-5-15 20:22:55

    墨尔本,说政府要求反省,好像对于gas的整个反省了,gas heater和做饭的都反省。当初是说有问题要换,好贵。
    guipu 发表于 2021-5-15 20:26:30

    guipu 地板

    2021-5-15 20:26:30

    你这个gas heater 在客厅舊式那種?倒不如disconnect 不要、没有centre heating?
    ckm8888 发表于 2021-5-15 20:30:02

    ckm8888 5#

    2021-5-15 20:30:02

    999paul 发表于 2021-5-15 20:33:50

    999paul 6#

    2021-5-15 20:33:50

    wst 发表于 2021-5-15 20:38:41

    wst 7#

    2021-5-15 20:38:41

    meili_ah 发表于 2021-5-15 20:42:22

    meili_ah 8#

    2021-5-15 20:42:22

    “Detector Inspector”这公司在ProductReviews上恶评如潮:

    kuangsha 发表于 2021-5-15 20:46:56

    kuangsha 9#

    2021-5-15 20:46:56

    是ray white,最初换了个1600多的,小一个号,跟以前的同样大小。没须要换大的,大的很贵,近三千
    sm65 发表于 2021-5-15 20:48:43

    sm65 10#

    2021-5-15 20:48:43

    关注。ray white费率多少啊
    龙吟九天 发表于 2021-5-15 20:53:06

    龙吟九天 11#

    2021-5-15 20:53:06

    julianx 发表于 2021-5-15 20:55:19

    julianx 12#

    2021-5-15 20:55:19

    kidd1984 发表于 2021-5-15 20:59:58

    kidd1984 13#

    2021-5-15 20:59:58

    love2000 发表于 2021-5-15 21:01:06

    love2000 14#

    2021-5-15 21:01:06



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