这两天Swot Shop的OC Preparation课程的退学考试成就出来了,给了咱们一个地位,然而发现好像四周小敌人去她家筹备OC的似乎特别少,还请试过的家长筒子点评一下。咱们还在几家不同补习机构提供的OC筹备课程间摇曳,没有抉择究竟去哪一家。。。小神龙,何教师,Pre Uni,CS,James An etc. etc.
Your child recently participated in an assessment for entry to our OC Preparation progra妹妹e for 2020. The raw results from this test are as follows and a position in our course is being offered.
There were 20 comprehension questions. Your child scored 17 correct.
There were 20 maths questions. Your child scored 16 correct.
There were 30 general ability questions. Your child scored 22 correct. |