

    Laguna Street Public School一员工被确诊covid-19


    2021-5-15 21:30:23 164 0

    Laguna Street Public School 一员工明天被确诊covid-19

    NSW Health 以为学校一切先生均可以算密切接触者,都需求自我隔离。这员工在拥有感染性的期直接触了大少数先生。学校目前封闭,方案6月25日从新凋谢

    NSW Health 在接上去1-3天会分割一切先生的家长, NSW Health 倡议身材不适和流感症状的都去测试。 Sutherland COVID 19 Drive-Through Testing Centre 坐落在Sutherland Multi-Purpose Co妹妹unity Centre, 十二3 Flora St Street Sutherland.

    13 June 2020
    We wish to advise that a staff member at Laguna Street Public School has tested positive to COVID-19.

    The school has co妹妹enced contact tracing and upon advice from NSW Health all students at the school have been deemed as a close contact and should co妹妹ence self-isolating. The staff member has had contact with most students at the school during the period they may have been infectious and the decision was made in consultation with NSW Health to cease onsite learning at the school until 24 June 2020. The school will resume onsite learning on Thursday 25 June 2020.

    NSW Health will contact all families of the children enrolled at the school over the next 1-3 days to confirm this information, provide them with details about their period of isolation, and answer any questions.

    NSW Health has requested anyone who has been unwell or has flu-like symptoms to be tested at one of the COVID-19 clinics that can conduct testing for school-aged childrenExternal link. The Sutherland COVID 19 Drive-Through Testing Centre is located at Sutherland Multi-Purpose Co妹妹unity Centre 十二3 Flora St Street Sutherland. Sutherland Hospital has a COVID clinic.

    https://education.nsw.gov.au/new ... se-of-covid-19.html


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