发表于 2021-5-15 23:05:57
然而千万要看清前提限度,个别来讲,前提为,在一定的时间内,好比90天,在澳大利亚市场上,有同款车型的存在,这个同款很tricky, 有同款不光要求同型号,同变种,同engine size 乃至色彩都必需如出一辙。
you have bought your vehicle new, or you
purchased a demonstrator vehicle, and
the vehicle is in the first 24 months of its
registration at the time of the incident, and
a replacement vehicle is available in
Australia which is of the same make,
model, engine size, equipment level and
paint type, and
we have agreement from any credit
provider noted on your current Certificate
of Insurance – if applicable, and
the vehicle has a tare weight of less than
2.5 tonnes |