MHS Speech Night 20十二,前内政部长埃文斯(Gareth Evans,前排左二)也来加入了,校长 Jeremy Ludowyke 在前排右三或左三:
原来埃文斯是1961年 MHS 的 School Captain。
最初的大独唱,校长 Jeremy Ludowyke 换上了先生服也参加了(红字部份是校长的合唱)。
Forty years on, growing older and older,
Shorter in wind, as in memory long,
Feeble of foot, and rheumatic of shoulder,
What will it help you that once you were strong?
God give us bases to guard or beleaguer,
Games to play out, whether earnest or fun,
Fights for the fearless, and goals for the eager.
Twenty, and thirty, and forty years on!
Follow up! Follow up! Follow up!
Till the field ring again and again
With the tramp of the thirty-six men,
[color=]Follow up!
Follow up!
刚巧,四十年前,校长 Jeremy Ludowyke 从 MHS 结业……