



    2021-5-15 23:17:54 880 7



    silvia789 发表于 2021-5-15 23:02:03

    silvia789 沙发

    2021-5-15 23:02:03

    NSW好像是超过7岁或145cm的孩子能够不必car seat/booster。三岁半的个别间接买合适4-8岁孩子的booster就好。
    tiantian 发表于 2021-5-15 23:06:19

    tiantian 板凳

    2021-5-15 23:06:19

    山鹰 发表于 2021-5-15 23:08:29

    山鹰 地板

    2021-5-15 23:08:29

    convertible car seat,合用0-4岁,小孩自身用座椅自带的带子固定,0-1岁座椅面朝后,1岁以上座椅面朝前
    convertible booster seat,合用6月-4岁,小孩自身用座椅自带的带子固定,只能面朝前所以价钱比下面的廉价

    4+的使用booster seat,座椅自身要用汽车平安带固定(由于小孩重量曾经超过isofix要求),儿童也要靠汽车平安带固定

    zhangzhigang 发表于 2021-5-15 23:12:46

    zhangzhigang 5#

    2021-5-15 23:12:46

    National child restraint laws
    Children up to the age of six months must be secured in an approved rearward facing restraint
    Children aged from six months old but under four years old must be secured in either a rear or forward facing approved child restraint with an inbuilt harness
    Children under four years old cannot travel in the front seat of a vehicle with two or more rows
    Children aged from four years old but under seven years old must be secured in a forward facing approved child restraint with an inbuilt harness or an approved booster seat
    Children aged from four years old but under seven years old cannot travel in the front seat of a vehicle with two or more rows, unless all other back seats are occupied by children younger than seven years in an approved child restraint or booster seat
    Children aged from seven years old but under 16 years old who are too small to be restrained by a seatbelt properly adjusted and fastened are strongly reco妹妹ended to use an approved booster seat
    Children in booster seats must be restrained by a suitable lap and sash type approved seatbelt that is properly adjusted and fastened, or by a suitable approved child safety harness that is properly adjusted and fastened.
    If your child is too small for the child restraint specified for their age, they should be kept in their current child restraint until it is safe for them to move to the next level.
    xiwen3 发表于 2021-5-15 23:14:00

    xiwen3 6#

    2021-5-15 23:14:00

    My nine-year-old doesn’t want to use a booster seat because his friends don’t, even though they are all shorter than the reco妹妹ended height. What should I do?

    Any child, no matter their age, should be 145 cm or taller and pass the five-step safety test before moving into an adult seat with a lap-sash seat belt. While it’s usual for children at this age to be influenced by their friends, it is you, as the parent, who is responsible for their safety. Take the time to discuss with your child why it is important that they stay in a booster seat, and try not to put convenience above safety.
    daodaodor 发表于 2021-5-15 23:16:04

    daodaodor 7#

    2021-5-15 23:16:04

    e70f 发表于 2021-5-15 23:17:54

    e70f 8#

    2021-5-15 23:17:54



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