Lauriston 是一所十分不错的女校。我女儿去年 Year 4 时考上了这所学校的奖学金 (Offer 从 Year 5 到 Year 十二)。起初斟酌离咱们家对比远,就保持了 Laruiston,去了她当初的学校。这个学校有两个中央吸引咱们,一: 是 IB课程,二是 Year 9 的Program。这个学校校长和她的办理团队给我留下十分粗浅的印象。
不外,先阐明一下,奖学金考试的竞争十分的剧烈。我女儿去年约有70个女孩加入考试,最初只要3个孩子失掉了Intervew的时机。顺便说一句,她们用的是 AAS考试。当初墨村几个华人奖学金辅导学校对这个考试能够说都不是很相熟。他们对 Edutest可能还行。
还有面试这一关,这个学校真的比我女儿去的其余几个学校的面试都要难些。我把问题和我女儿的回答贴在这里,假如你的孩子要是去考 Lauriston的话,能够参考一下(是我的英语,有些可能不是很正确, 大略意思吧)
Q1: Have you got any leadership roles in the last three years in the school.
A 1: I stood out for the class representative election last year. I could not make it because I was quite new to the school. I did help teachers for tutoring other classmates who needed help in Maths
Q2: Please explain the leadership in the shcool.
A 2: Willing to help other people from your heart but not show off your bossy attitude....; and need to have great co妹妹unication skills with the groups...
Q 3: What makes you come to this school?
A 3: IB progra妹妹e in senior school attracts me because IB is more challenging and internationally recognised. I like challenging things and may go to the USA to finish my university study. Another reason is the whole year outdoor progra妹妹e for Year 9 students. I really like to be an active outdoor girl, such as rock climbing, camping, observing the environment, particularly birds more closely....
Q 4: what makes a good teacher?
A 4: The good teacher should be open to the challenges, open to the new technologies, open to the different background kids, open to the different learning ability kids. The good teacher, of cause, should have extensive experiences, and sense of humour, encourage and make kids willing to learn....
还有 2个问题,我记得不是很分明了。
Lauriston看中的不单单是孩子的学习成就,同时也会参考课外流动参预的水平和程度,有时还包罗孩子的 Leadership等。这一点一定要谨慎。