从海内进了一辆车,车子是3月3日到港的,报关公司要了2000多报关和办事费,后果3月15号通知我说海关以为车子不敷洁净,要从新清洁,又问我要了750,我于3月15号付了,报关公司说大略一周后清洁之后能够放行,我很开心肠等着,后果,过了两个星期,尚无放行,我赶快打电话问,他说海关排队反省的车得多,还要等候,此外,由于曾经超过期间,可能要付滞纳金,我说好的,那给个准信也行,后果比及上周一,报关公司说车子曾经转移到sevenhill 他们的car care 公司隔离清洁,前一次清洁分歧格,由于清洁公司只是清洁了车表面,没有清洁吸尘车外部,所以还要清洁车外部,等海关从新反省,这个从新清洁吸尘蒸汽,加之移车费用要再付1000元,这个我就有点疑惑了:我不是付费清洁了吗?清洁不洁净,应该找清洁公司去收费从新清洁啊,咋又要我付清洁费?说不外去吧?不成能同一件事,付双份钱吧?后果人家就挂了电话,不睬我了,当初又过了一个星期,打电话都不接,发email,也不回,这是啥意思?莫非筹备扣着车子不放了吗?
I called the cleaning company and have been advised that the re-inspection took place today and it was denied once again.
I have personally called the Department of Agriculture and complained about this officer.
The Officer I spoke with is going to take it further for us and I am awaiting their response.
My apologies Ben, this is out of our control and has not happened before. It is a particular officer that has knocked back your vehicle and another 2 of our other clients.