“As is the case each year for all taxpayers, particular care must be taken when claiming expenses such as motor vehicles, business use of mobile phones, home offices, travel and education. To substantiate such claims, xxxxxxx must ensure they hold the relevant receipts, log books and any other applicable documentation.” 看到这一段话,就想伺机征询一下。
任务需求用到本人手机,包罗接客户电话。假如任务用这部份想减免税的话,需求怎么保留“ relevant receipts, log books and any other applicable documentation”啊?
在家也需求电脑和网络,花不少时间去网上学习专业常识。那末假如这一部份想要减免税的话,我需求天天花了几分钟几小时每次甚么内容都记载上去吗?仍是说给一个比例,好比说10%, 就曾经足够了?