发表于 2021-5-16 13:37:50
this is a big question.. before i answer ur question ..you have to provide these following infor:
1. is full time contractor ? or part time contractor? or subcontractor?
2. in some situation ,it depends on your boss... for most of contractors ,,boss wont pay you super and annual leave
3. FULL time: PAYG will be taken in each pay day... Sub-Contractor: no PAYG in each pay day, instead, you need to pay all tax while
your lodge your tax return....
Generally, full time contractor 税前6万5 is paid weekly, 65000/52 week= 十二50 /week. as per weekly tax table, PAYG 278..
your net paid 十二50-278=972/week..
full time sub-contractor 税前6万5 is paid weekly, 65000/52 week= 十二50 /week. no PAYG. therefore ,net paid 十二50/week..but
no super, no annual leave
4. as per superannuation rule, if your income is more than 450/month, you should get superannuation pay. however, in reality,
most of boss ignore your super.
[ 本帖最初由 lee2267 于 20十一-3-24 13:30 编纂 ] |