RSPCA Million Paws Walk
The BIG day out for animal lovers!
The 16th Annual RSPCA Million Paws Walk is being held across Australia on Sunday 16 May and is the BIG day out for animal lovers. Whether you have pets in your family or not, you’re invited to join the pack and walk with tens of thousands of people and their beautiful pets to help raise vital funds for the RSPCA and the animals in our care.
This year, we’re doggedly determined to break the million dollar and million paws barrier and we need your help! So slip on your walking shoes, grab your two or four legged friends and have a fun day out at Australia’s most action packed pet event!
There is a walk for everyone with 13 different walk locations throughout the Victoria. To purchase your tickets and for more information visit www.millionpawswalk.com.au.
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