发表于 2021-5-12 22:59:17
第三点应该是要跟Centrelink签一个文件甚么的,好比承受待业指点啊, 英文学习啊甚么的
第五点 income and assets 的话 网站上这样说
Income test
As a Newstart Allowance customer, you can earn up to $100 per fortnight before tax, before your payment is affected.
Income above $100 and up to $250 per fortnight reduces your fortnightly payment by 50 cents in the dollar. Income above $250 per fortnight reduces your payment by 60 cents in the dollar.
Assets tests
As an applicant for Newstart Allowance, you will be assessed against an assets test. This includes liquid assets, which are any funds that are available to either you or your partner, and includes money owed by your employer.
依稀记得听人说过银行贷款不超过3000刀吧 假如超过 好象有等候期甚么的 这是几年前的事