前段时间去请求NSW Energy Rebate $180,被拒了,信里说:
If you received FTB payments for the 2019-2020 financial year, Services Australia may not yet
have reconciled the payments with your 2019-2020 household income and tax information from
the Australia Tax Office. Once the reconciliation is complete, Services Australia will send you a
letter referenced ‘
About your Family Tax Benefits 2019-2020
’. You will only qualify for the rebate
once you receive this letter from Services Australia.
咱们之后去问Centrelink,外面的员工说由于咱们上一年报税的支出和以前提供应Centrelink的预估支出数字纷歧样,有变动,他们需求balance FTB,实现后能力发给咱们这个信函。
起初咱们始终去催Centrelink,但他们都表现还没实现。次要是这个$180 Rebate截止日期是6月初,假如Centrelink无奈在6月初实现,那咱们岂不是白白丢失Claim的权益了?
谢谢~ |