Business grant申请条件里有一条:无雇员生意如果相关获利人员申请了个人disaster payment(一周600那个),就不可以申请business grant。原文如下:
Note: Non-employing businesses are not eligible to apply if persons associated with the business, and who derive income from it, have applied for, or are receiving, the Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster
Non-employing business means a business owner who does not have employees. This may include a range of entity types, such as non-employing sole traders or any other businesses without employees.
我的疑问是:我有一个pty ltd的生意,只有我自己(director)这一个员工,是正常payg报税。是否属于无雇员生意?是不是个人disaster payment和企业business grant只能选一个?谢谢了。