发表于 2021-5-13 13:04:01
等候804签证期间的医疗费如何我不分明,但我知道那些留先生,配偶签证请求人,还有457签证的人在澳提交了永居签证请求后,即便PR 请求未批上去,也能够拿着PR 签证请求的ACKNOWLEDGMENT LETTER 去MEDICARE AUSTRALIA的任何一个办公室办一张暂时的MEDICARE CARD ,是和PR 同样的享用公共医疗福利的,看病不必钱。并且那卡快过时时,又会自动收到一张新的。
然而像804这样的年长父母类签证会不会有纷歧样的状况就很难说了,可能能够去MEDICARE AUSTRALIA 办公室去问问。然而要斟酌的是,毕竟是白叟家,那些公共医疗福利可能不敷用。所以假如肯定了有暂时的MEDICARE CARD 能够用,倡议再去问一下公家医疗保险,让任务人员知道白叟家有暂时的MEDICARE CARD ,公家医疗保险费说不定会更廉价点。
804签证等多久不知道,移民局没有特别阐明,只是以交钱和不交钱两大类来区别,楼主能够参考一下 ,
Parent category queue
In the 2010–十一 Migration Program year, 1000 parent category visa places are available for applicants applying from in and outside Australia.
Based on current planning levels, parent category visa applicants can expect an approximate 20 year wait before visa grant consideration after being allocated a queue date.
Contributory parent category queue
In 2007–08, high demand for the contributory parent visa category meant that a queue formed for the first time.
In the 2010–十一 Migration Program year, 7500 contributory parent category visa places are available for applicants applying from in and outside Australia.
Based on current planning levels new contributory parent category visa applicants can expect to wait up to two years before visa grant consideration.
我有意识的乡亲,也是中奖了,老妈的游览签证上没有8503,所以交了864境内的年长交费种别,才3个月就让做AOS, 并交第二笔请求费了,特别快。所以楼主假如想请求这个864种别,要斟酌分明AOS 和第二笔请求费 $37965是否筹备好了。
[ 本帖最初由 tracychen_2000 于 2010-9-7 00:38 编纂 ] |