方才在网上请求ABN,做SOLE TRADER,后果零碎告知我说我不合乎注册ABN的前提(On the basis of the information you have provided it appears that you are not currently entitled to be registered for an ABN.),大家帮我看看我的哪一个问题回答的有问题才这样的吧:
You provided the following information
Have you started trading as an enterprise/business?Yes----这个问题我不知道是不是该答YES仍是NO,我只是自雇,是SOLE TRADER,假如我选择了YES,就进入上面的问我是否CONTRACTOR的部份了,而后根据我的谜底就告知我不可功了,可是假如选择NO,就进入“Establishing an enterprise”的环节了,可是我并非要开公司啊,只是SOLE TRADER,所以我不知道这个问题我该怎么答
Are you applying for an ABN to operate as a contractor?Yes
Will your work agreement allow you to pay another person to perform work on your behalf?No
Will you be responsible for providing heavy machinery to undertake your business activity?No
Will the payments you receive be based on a quoted price that you provide to persons making use of your services?Yes
Will you be responsible for the cost of rectifying any defect in the work you perform?No |