办BANK GUARANTEE,是要拿福利局的AOS经过的信,去CBA(联邦银行)开按期贷款,假如你有CBA的帐号,只需求一张ID就能,由于是开按期的。
We must verify your identity
Government legislation requires us to obtain identification before we open any new bank account.
• •
If you are an existing Co妹妹onwealth Bank customer who has already been satisfactorily identified, you do not need to provide identification again.
If you are a new customer with the Bank, then you must provide personal identification to the value of 100 points. This may include:
Birth Certificate#
Citizenship Certificate#
Acceptable personal reference
Acceptable ID card containing photo or signature
Credit card with signature
Australian Driver’s Licence or permit with photo or signature
Other forms of identification may be acceptable in some circumstances
# Only one of these documents may beu sed.
** Counts as 100 points for customers under 18 years of age.
70 points** 70 points** 70 points**
100 points 40 points 25 points 40 points
[ 本帖最初由 jimple 于 20十二-4-21 19:30 编纂 ] |