大家好! 当初有个对于配偶移民的问题请大家指导下:
我在09年时,以爸爸任务为由,只帮妈妈请求了143 签证(20十一 年九月拿到PR),原方案在妈妈拿到永远签证五年后已配偶移民的方式把爸爸办过去。但当初有个问题忘问移民官了。 假如在妈妈拿到PR两年后爸爸就退休了, 这样是不是爸爸仍是能够以PARTNER VISA 的方式五年后办过去?下列是移民局民间网站上的信息, 但没提及我的问题。请问有人问过移民局这个问题吗?
Current and previous contributory parent category visa-holders
If you have been granted a contributory parent category visa on or after 1 July 2009, you are unable to sponsor your partner or fiancé for five years from your visa grant date if you were in a married or de facto relationship with that person on or before the date you were granted the last contributory parent category visa. There are some exceptions to this limitation in compelling circumstances. |