Before a visa can be issued, applicants must demonstrate strong financial, employment and/ or personal ties which would demonstrate their incentive to abide by the conditions of that visa, and depart Australia at the end of their authorised temporary stay. I am not satisfied that you have provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate such ties.
(1)You have provided insufficient evidence that you, or those offering to support your travel, have access to adequate means to cover the costs of the visit. Considering your financial situation, I am not satisfied that you are a genuine visitor with a co妹妹itment to abide by all of the conditions imposed on your visa and leave Australia within visa validity.
(2)Based on the information provided in your application, there is no indication that you have previously travelled outside of China. Thus there is no evidence to demonstrate a history of abiding by the conditions of prior visas and departing other countries within visa validity. This is a factor in my decision to refuse your application.
(3)Based on your application, I can see that you have closer personal ties to Australia than you do to China. As such, I have concerns about your personal incentives to depart Australia within visa validity.
再问一个问题,我刚帮父母请求了143,还能请求配偶签证吗?甚么都不行的话,莫非我还跑回国去?这瓜葛很难维持啊。 |