如题,曾经帮我怕父母请求了600游览签证,曾经批上去了,但前面才想干脆同时帮他们办付费算了,而后就马上在他们出来以前把请求递交下来。昨天用快递递交的,明天快递给我对方的签名说是文件曾经到了perth办公室。然而尚无扣费甚么的。我问过移民局,何时父母能够出来,他们的回复是Your parents application must be lodged with the Perth office while they are offshore and you need to allow time for it to be received before they come onshore. Please wait until you have received the receipt and they will then be able to come onshore using their tourist visa. 请问有谁知道这边的receipt是指甚么?是说他们收到文件的快递收据,仍是他们扣款后给我的收据?由于我父母的机票是下周一,我不知道当初只是有快递的收据,是否标明他们曾经递交胜利了,仍是要比及扣了款才算?