Submissions to the Review consistently argue that our current approach to parent migration needs to be reset. However, any new approach will need to find a better and fairer way to meet demand without undue cost to the Australian co妹妹unity, given the displacement effects that arise within a capped permanent migration program.
A lottery approach could prevent visa backlogs
A lottery approach could be considered if a permanent Parent program is retained but continues to be smaller than demand. It offers an effective option for managing demand and avoiding further backlogs. Consideration would need to be given to whether and how to apply the lottery to existing visa applicants.
Additional co妹妹ents from the Greens in the report of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Co妹妹ittee’s inquiry into The efficacy, fairness, timeliness and costs of the processing and granting of visa classes which provide for or allow for family and partner reunions argue the current definition is a:
‘… limited view of family, which does not reflect the cultural understanding and experience of family in many of the countries from which people migrate to Australia … The current, narrow definition of family is particularly problematic, and traumatic, for refugees’.146
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