每个孩子的状况是不同的。我孩子对言语的学习才能就特别差。我孩子是在这里土生土长的。1岁多就开始上LONG DAY CARE了,早上7点送进去,下昼6点半去接。就这样刚进KINDY时也只能听懂一点点,也不太会说,所以很少谈话,以致于到他上二年级时有个街坊还认为他是聋哑人。 始终到当初都五年级了,觉得他的英语浏览和写作还有言语表白都还不行,浏览时定语一多就看不懂了,写作时竟然能把状语当主语用,谈话时老是反复一样的话,正焦急呢。
I have a friend who was so busy with her own study that she left her 9 year old son alone in the library when she first arrived in Australia. He was a voracious reader.When he entered high school he often got the best results in his year in their English exams.