只有是18年7月当前的BAS就能了,我交的是去年10月到十二月的BAS,3月十二号前怎么可能交得出1到3月的BAS?就是tax return4月份呢才交下来的,网站上说了两点,ATO说合乎二者之一就可以够拿到,也没让我提供增补资料,反正就是等。上面是ATO原文说的
On or before 十二 March 2020, you lodged at least one of
a 2018–19 income tax return showing that you had an amount included in your assessable income in relation to you carrying on a business
an activity statement or GST return for any tax period that started after 1 July 2018 and ended before 十二 March 2020 showing that you made a taxable, GST-free or input-taxed sale. |