发表于 2021-5-16 11:15:39
1、Tell me about yourself次要回答本人和请求职位相干的内容,例如I have been working as XX in IT industry. I am very familiar with…… I have xx years experience of xxx
2、What’s your strength and weakness?
Adaptability 关于任何一集体新到一个公司都要顺应,顺应才能强的人是公司需求的
Flexibility 公司都违心要灵敏的人啊
Highly-Motivated 上进心强
Great Team Spirit 团队协作精力
Weakness: 我采取下面一个大侠说的:culture difference文明差别,然而我是这样说的:Although I have made great progress on my English, I still cannot overcome culture difference. 后果对方说do you know Australian slang? I said not only No worries, also Fair dingkum, bloody oath, good day mate…….She said they are used in country side.
Weakness: 我说我有时分没有实现工作时分会感觉懊丧,然而我会子细剖析问题缘故,并找我的经理乃至总经理一同剖析,追求他们帮忙,起初找到的问题所在,让我很好实现了工作,乃至逾额实现了工作,这样说最少标明你有解决问题的才能,善于沟通。
3、Please tell us your understanding of the position you are applying. 这个就是要回答出来职位的症结,所以一定要钻研职位形容的含意
4、Tell us why we should choose your not others 说本人如何合适这个职位,本人的教训技巧等等,本人有专业常识,I am willing to learn and quick learner. It wont take much time and cost to train me. I will pick up the job very fast. I am valued to company with my experience in xx industry and the same time I believe I can develop myself in this company.
5、Why do you migrate Australia not America, Canada? I’ve been Australia before, I love Australia.
6、What’s the assessment from your previous employer?
Highly-motivated, efficient, easy to get along with, 这里最佳可以举例阐明
7、Do you think you are competent for the position, why? 仍是回答你的教训如何合适这个职位,之前任务阅历如何和这个职位要求很接近?
10、面试时分最初让你发问:我个别都会问:What’s kind of person are you after for the position?这样你就能知道你是不是合乎他关于这个职位的要求了
3/24 Chester Street Oakleigh 9563 4407, Co-ordinator:Warren倡议大家去征询一下 |