我再发一次,斑竹手下留情啊,大家当初心里都郁闷啊~ 谢谢~
方才看了i妹妹i gov的民间网站,下面内容变为了,如下:
This visa was permanently closed to new applications on 2 June 2014. No further applications for this visa are able to be made. The information on these pages is for people who are visa holders or who have a current subclass 103 application.
You might be able to get this visa if you:
lodged your application prior to 2 June 2014
are sponsored
meet the balance-of-family test
are prepared to wait in a queue before your visa can be decided.
好像说要是current subclass 103 application的才算,大家看看吧,移民局究竟在玩甚么文字游戏,我觉得他们在耍花着,只是接线员读的notice,并且notice随时能够更新,假如没有明白的阐明,他们当初能够改,1年之后也能够改的。 |