米兰古装周 Milan Fashion Week
2023年2月21日- 27日
女装系列- 2023秋冬

Organized with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, ITA-Italian Trade Agency and the City Council of Milan, the Milan Fashion Week Women’s Collection, scheduled from February 21 to 27, 2023, includes 165 appointments: 59 fashion shows, of which 54 physical and 5 digital, 70 presentations,7presentations by appointment and 29 events.

Milan Fashion Week Schedule on Tencent Video:

初次登上秀场民间日程的品牌:由Camera Moda Fashion Trust (Camera Moda时尚基金)反对的三位独立设计师品牌:Act No1、Cormio和Vitelli。日本设计师Tomo Koizumi的女装系列公布(由Dolce&Gabbana反对)、以及品牌AVAVAV和Alabama Muse。
This edition of fashion week marks the debut on the calendar of runway shows of Japanese designer Tomo Koizumi, supported by Dolce & Gabbana, and brands Avavav and Alabama Muse, which are on the calendar with a digital show. Also confirming their presence on the Milan runways are the three independent brands that are beneficiaries of the Camera Moda Fashion Trust Grant 2022: Act N°1, Cormio and Vitelli.

初次登上动态展日程的品牌:ADD、Boyy、Lara Chamandi、Maison Laponte、Mantù、Max&Co With Anna Dello Russo、Pianegonda、 Spaccio Alta Maglieria、 Viviers、Wolford、 Yali、Weekend Max Mara with Kate Phelan, 以及 Zineb Hazim & Karim Daoudi。
Debuting on the presentations calendar are ADD, Boyy, Lara Chamandi, Maison Laponte,Mantù, Max&Co With Anna Dello Russo, Pianegonda, Spaccio Alta Maglieria, Viviers, Weekend Max Mara with Kate Phelan, Wolford, Yali and Zineb Hazim & Karim Daoudi.

Vitale Barberis Canonico迎来品牌360周年,携手年老设计师Vito Vi公布成衣系列,此系列也是品牌 “传承及新人材”名目的一部份,于21日公布。
Rene Caovilla,庆贺品牌经典鞋款Cleo50周年,举行“The Art of Making People Dream. Cleo a style icon for 50 years”主题流动。
The Black Carpet Awards黑地毯大奖将于24日在数字文明核心会客厅举办“庆贺一切的故事”的主题流动,庆贺寰球社区的多样性和容纳性。
Raxxy, a Chinese brand based in Milan, will debut with a fashion show event, while Vitale Barberis Canonico on the occasion of its 360th anniversary will present the collection created in collaboration with VitoVi as part of the “Heritage & New Talents”project.
The calendar of events will also come alive thanks to Rene Caovilla, which will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the iconic Cleo shoe at its showroom on February 24th through the exhibition“The Art of Making People Dream. Cleo a style icon for 50 years.”
On February 24th at 8 p.m., the Black Carpet Awards“celebrating all stories”will be held at the Meet | Digital Culture Center, where diversity and inclusion within the global co妹妹unity will be celebrated.
此外,本季古装周,CNMI十分首要的反对设计师名目的空间,Fashion Hub将改换到新地址:Palazzo Giureconsulti,Piazza dei Mercanti, 2 Milano,2月22至26日期间,早9:30至晚7点凋谢,27日早9:30到下昼1点凋谢。2月21日(周二)举行揭幕流动,拉开古装周帷幕。
New in for this edition of Milano Fashion Week is the new location of the Fashion Hub, which moves to Palazzo Giureconsulti. The Fashion Hub will be open February 22nd to 26th from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on February 27th from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The grand opening will be held on Tuesday, February 21st from 5 to 7 p.m.
这一周Fashion Hub空间将成为意大利国度古装商会的次要任务区域,在这里将呈现不同的名目、设法、会集青年人材,为新品牌和青年设计师发明更多的时机展现、拓展人脉和洽谈生意。本季空间的重点内容是:试验、翻新、工艺、可继续性和教育。商会反对的三个名目在将在此空间呈现:Designers for the Planet (可继续设计师名目,9位设计师), A Global Movement to Uplift Underrepresented Brands(时尚产业多元文明名目,3位设计师),以及MFW Forward(将研发、翻新、试验相结合的年老设计师名目,10位设计师)。
LuisaViaRoma将在Fashion Hub呈现LVRoom空间,展现最新一季、最具创意的新锐设计师和大品牌的特别成衣,展厅将对大众凋谢。同时LuisaViaRoma还将为明星、达人、设计师、媒体、首要主人提供选择加入米兰古装周流动和首要约会场所的搭配服装。
Underlining CNMI’s ongoing co妹妹itment to young designers, The Fashion Hub continues to be a cradle of projects, initiatives, talent and ideas. During Fashion Week, the hub becomes theheadquarters of Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, hosting young brands and emerging designers who find important opportunities for visibility, networking and business. It also broadcasts the scheduled fashion shows on the calendar thanks to the presence of an oversized screen. The February edition enhances the work of emerging creatives and focuses on experimentation, innovation, craftsmanship, sustainability and education. The three projects presented by CNMI for this edition are:Designers for the Planet, A Global Movement to Uplift Underrepresented BrandsandMFW Forward.
LuisaViaRoma will present LVRoom, a styling suite with an exclusive selection of garments chosen from the latest, most innovative proposals from emerging designers and big brands. Throughout Fashion Week, the showroom will be open to the public and LVR will offer a select circle of talent, celebrities, influencers, media personalities and VICs the chance to choose the most suitable looks for the appointments and events of Milan Fashion Week.
Budapest Select(布达佩斯之选)- 2月23日下昼4点,第九季匈牙利设计人材的专项导师方案将呈现ABODI、CUKOVY、KATA SZEGEDI和THEFOUR四个品牌的聚拢秀,在at Corso Italia, 58.公布。PINETIME CLOTHING、UNREAL INDUSTRIES和ZSIGMOND三个品牌将经过动态展形式在Fashion Hub专属动态空间中呈现。
Budapest Select, the mentorship program dedicated to Hungarian talents, returns with its ninth edition. ABODI, CUKOVY, KATA SZEGEDI and THEFOUR will be the protagonists of the“Budapest Select FW 2023/2024 Special Show”fashion show scheduled for February 23rd at 4 p.m., at Corso Italia, 58. Also, on the occasion of the Fashion Hub opening, three other brands, PINETIME CLOTHING, UNREAL INDUSTRIES, ZSIGMOND, will unveil their collections in the dedicated presentation room.
26日晚8点,将于Odeon Space剧场举办新纪录片《米兰:意大利时尚底细》(“MILANO: The Inside Story of Italian Fashion”)的电影首映及红毯。影片由艾美奖得主John Maggio执导,Alan Friedman制造,履行制片人及独特编剧由Giuseppe Pedersoli负责。电影随后将在影院上映。
The physical calendar of Fashion Week will be closed on the evening of February 26th by the red carpet and preview of the new documentary film,“MILANO: The Inside Story of Italian Fashion”, scheduled at the Odeon Space Theatre at 8 p.m. The film is directed by E妹妹y award winner John Maggio and produced by Alan Friedman, who along with the film’s executive producer Giuseppe Pedersoli, also co-wrote it.
The Milan Fashion Week Women’s Collection can also be followed on the milanofashionweek.cameramoda.it platform, which will also host a section dedicated to virtual showrooms, both multi-brand and single brand. Each showroom will have the opportunity to present, with regards to CNMI-approved brands, photos and videos of the collections, contacts, sales campaign dates and press releases. The showroom area will remain active even after Fashion Week in order to be consulted by system operators even during the sales campaign. A showroom calendar will also be created with all sales campaign dates and contacts so that appointments can be made: a useful working tool for Italian and international buyers to be able to facilitate their agenda, which will be disseminated through CNMI channels.
---意大利国度古装商会主席卡洛·卡帕萨 (Carlo Capasa)
“This season, once again, we offer a rich program of activities that confirm Milan’s leading role in the global fashion scene. Attention to young people, sustainability and issues of diversity, equity, inclusion remain essential foundations that allow us to build a schedule of activities of great cultural value,” co妹妹ents Carlo Capasa, Chairman of Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana. “2023 presents itself as a year characterized by a series of complexities that our industry with synergic work will be able to transform into opportunities for growth and change. I believe that Milano Fashion Week will be able to best amplify the positive energy of our great brands.” |