Inside Australia
On 27 February 2021, changes to the Migration Regulations 1994 came into effect. These allow us to grant you a visa in Australia if:
-you are in Australia at any time during the COVID-19 concession period, and
-applied for your visa before the end of the COVID-19 concession period; and
-you meet all visa criteria.
The COVID-19 concession period started on 1 February 2020 and is an interim arrangement. We are yet to determine the end date of the concession period. The Minister for I妹妹igration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs will determine this end date.
We cannot grant you a visa if you do not apply during the COVID-19 concession period and come to Australia after that period has ended.
https://i妹妹i.homeaffairs.gov.au/ ... ovisional-309#HowTo |