旧的的帖子过久了, 不是太多人关注, 开个新帖采集一下材料吧。
官网说审到20十二年7月31号的queue date, 坛子里其余战友收到更新吗。 我姐姐是14年8月的, 也不指望这两三年, 但起码想有个盼头, 谢谢。
Processing times for finalised applications
For those visas finalised so far in the 2022-23 migration program year:
for Carer visas, the processing time was approximately 7 years; and
for Aged Dependent Relative and Remaining Relative visas, the processing time was approximately 十二 years.
这意思是否说2023前曾经提交请求的,审理周期只需求十二年了? |