What happened to the Optus network?
We have been working to understand what caused the outage on Wednesday, and we now know what the cause was and have taken steps to ensure it will not happen again. We apologise sincerely for letting our customers down and the inconvenience it caused.
At around 4.05am Wednesday morning, the Optus network received changes to routing information from an international peering network following a software upgrade. These routing information changes propagated through multiple layers in our network and exceeded preset safety levels on key routers. This resulted in those routers disconnecting from the Optus IP Core network to protect themselves.
The restoration required a large-scale effort of the team and in some cases required Optus to reconnect or reboot routers physically, requiring the dispatch of people across a number of sites in Australia. This is why restoration was progressive over the afternoon.
Given the widespread impact of the outage, our investigations into the issue took longer than we would have liked as we examined several different paths to restoration. The restoration of the network was at all times our priority and we subsequently established the cause working together with our partners. We have made changes to the network to address this issue so that it cannot occur again.
We are committed to learning from what has occurred and continuing to work with our international vendors and partners to increase the resilience of our network. We will also support and fully cooperate with the reviews being undertaken by the Government and the Senate.
We continue to invest heavily to improve the resiliency of our network and services.
锅甩给 international peering network,这个锅可以甩甩甩。。。了, 最初甩给Telstra 也不稀罕。。。。反正链接国际的网络,海底光缆。。。。都能甩。。。
议员首要争辩一点就是Optus 没有跟群众沟通好, 没有好的灾害沟通方案, 没有实时沟通,告知缘由和工夫,所以大家没有plan B, 整的大家都是不断在等候。。。
这CEO 也是的刚上任21/04/2020,8月份被黑客攻击, 上次甩锅黑客,说由于Singtel 大老板们过去。。所以黑客要搞热门事情。。。
应当是悉尼工夫早上2-3点开工的。。 印度工夫早晨8-9PM。 Optus 很多Network Engineer 在印度。