发表于 2023-12-10 12:14:21
Toyota Key Fob Progra妹妹ing Process
If you’ve recently purchased a new Toyota, or a Toyota key replacement or duplicate, you’ll need to perform the Toyota key fob progra妹妹ing to get it properly synced to your vehicle. Here are the steps for a successful Toyota key fob progra妹妹ing that you can do right in your Tampa driveway:
1 Get into the driver’s seat of your Toyota. Ensure all the doors are closed.
2 Turn your key in the ignition from “off” to “on.”
3 Turn your key in the ignition from “off” to “on again within five seconds.
3 Remove your key from the ignition.
4 Within 40 seconds, close and open the driver’s door twice.
5 Insert and remove the key from the ignition one more time.
6 So long as you’ve done this within 40 seconds, your door locks should engage to indicate a successful Toyota key fob progra妹妹ing!